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Heart of Western Oklahoma Homeschoolers is a Christian group of families from the Elk City area who have joined together in an effort to support one another in our God-given challenge to educate our children. We believe we have been called by God to home educate our children in an effort to reach educational excellence and family wholeness.


Vision Statement:

We are a relaxed, informal group of independent families who gather for the purpose of encouraging and inspiring each other spiritually, physically, and emotionally through the process of educating our children at home. HWOH actively promotes the idea of education being different than the concept of compulsory schooling. HWOH in an assembly whose actions within the group and within the community and honorable.

Educational Philosophy:

HWOH is a community of families who meet to encourage one another in the endeavor of training and educating their children at home. We believe that parents who have chosen this alternative should be accountable to carry out responsibility of the family. HWOH will not oversee group basic skills testing.

We believe that parents are solely responsible for this education and training and that although they may opt to delegate this responsibility, to some extent by not homeschooling, but through public schools, private schools, virtual K-12, charter schools and EPIC programs, the ultimate responsibility lies with the parent.


I was part of HWOH for 13 years, while my family lived in the area. It was such a blessing to have solid Christian and like-minded friends to encourage each other through the years, on our journey of homeschooling.

Deanna Hamilton


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